Weishi county

Weishi County Food and Drug Administration 2018 food sampling service project Weicaicai public 2018059

Release time: 2018-07-03 18:08:13 Number of page views: Author: Kaifeng Public resources trading information Network

 Weishi county Food and drug Administration2018Food sampling inspection service project bidding announcement

Weishi county Food and drug Administration2018The food sampling service project has been approved by relevant departments and has now met the procurement conditions。The source of funds is self-raised funds, and the purchaser is Weishi County Food and Drug Administration. Now we entrust Zhongjian Shanhe Construction Engineering Management Co., Ltd. to conduct public bidding for this project. We welcome interested and qualified enterprises to participate in the bidding。

I. Project overview

1、 Project name: Weishi County Food and Drug Administration2018Food sampling service project

2、 Purchase number: Weicaicai public2018059)号

3、 Project budget: Approx172.2RMB 10,000 yuan

4、 Project location: Weishi County

5、 Term of Service:From the date of signing the contract1

6、 Quality requirements: Qualified

7、 Standard package division and procurement content: This project is divided1A package, to choose food safety testing institutions, undertake Weishi County Food and Drug Administration2018Food safety sampling and testing services

Ii. Bidder qualification requirements:

1、 The bidder shall comply with Article 22 of the Government Procurement Law of the People's Republic of China;

2、 Bidders must be registered in the People's Republic of China,If a legal person or other organization has the ability to bear civil liability independently, its business license shall have the corresponding business scope;

3、 Bidder must have validCMA(或CMAF) Certification certificate;

4、 Provided as of the date of this announcement,In the "Credit China" website to inquire "faithless persons subject to enforcement" and "major tax violation cases party list", "China Government procurement website" to inquire "government procurement serious illegal and dishonest behavior record list",File the screenshot of the credit query record and mark the query date,Those with bad credit records refuse to participate in this government procurement activity [Inquiry channel: "Credit China" website (www.creditchina.gov.cn), China Government Procurement Website (www.ccgp.gov.cn)】;

5、 According to the Bian Traffic Management Office (201613No. 1 document stipulates that bidders are no longer required to provide a notification letter of the results of the inquiry of no bribery crime files when registering。After the registration is over, the agency shall summarize the results of applying to the procuratorial organ in the place where the project is located to inquire the criminal files of all the registered units, and the inquiry results shall be submitted to the bid evaluation committee for use during the bid evaluation;However, the bidder shall submit the necessary information required for inquiry as required at the time of registration。No bribery crime file inquiry application data format requirements, please consult the agency contact;

6、 The person in charge of the unit is the same person or different units with direct holding and management relations shall not participate in the government procurement activities under the same contract at the same time;

7、 Joint bids are not accepted for this project。

3. Registration and purchase documents sale information

1、 Registration and purchase documents Sale Time:20180704日—20180710Sunday morning9:00时—11:30Hour, afternoon14:30时—17:30(Beijing time, except legal holidays and public holidays)

2、 Registration and purchase documents Sale address:Weishi County public resources trading center fourth floor5No. Window (Weishi County Jianshe Road and Fuyuan Road intersection to the west1004 / F, Michael Tower)

3、 Purchase price300Yuan, not refundable after sale。

4、 Bidders are required to bring:

(1) The power of attorney of the legal person, the identity card of the legal representative and the authorized person (the authorized client shall be the official personnel of the bidding unit and provide the social security certificate of the personnel and the labor contract);

(2) Enterprise business license, organization code certificate, tax registration certificate or three certificates in one,

(3) efficientCMACMAF证书;

(4) 2017Annual audited financial report or bank credit certificate;

(5) Proof of tax payment and social security payment according to law (tax payment certificate or tax payment certificate of the last three months, social security payment certificate or social security payment record of the last three months;The bidder who is exempt from tax or does not need to pay tax according to law shall provide the corresponding certification materials);

(6) Before attending a government procurement event3A written statement that there is no record of major violations in business activities during the year;

(7) In the "Credit China" website, check the "trust-breaking persons subject to enforcement" and "List of parties to major tax violation cases" (http://www.creditchina.gov.cn/), and the "China Government Procurement Website" (www.ccgp.gov.cn) in the "Record list of serious illegal and dishonest behaviors in government procurement"3Item query results page color print page;

(8) Entrust the bidding agency to conduct "no bribery crime file inquiry" materials, the specific format of the materials to consult the agency;

(9) Web page printout of "National Enterprise Credit Information Publicity System" (displaying company basic information, shareholder or investor information)。

Note: The above information must be provided at the time of registration1Set, check the original and keep a copy, the copy must be stamped with the official seal of the enterprise, and the original is returned in time after verification。

Iv. Deadline for submission of tender documents:

20180726Sunday morning9:00(Beijing time), late submission of tender documents will not be accepted。

V. Place of submission of tender documents:Weishi county public resources trading center third floor bid opening room。

Vi. Time and place of bid opening: the same as the deadline and place for submission of bid documents。

7. Media for announcement

This procurement announcement is also published on the "China Tendering and Bidding Public Service Platform", "China Procurement and Bidding Network", "Henan Provincial Government Procurement Network", "Henan Tendering and Procurement Comprehensive network", "Kaifeng public resources Transaction Information Network", and the information purchasers and agencies reproduced on other websites are not recognized。

Viii. Contact matters for this tender:

Purchaser: Weishi County Food and Drug Administration

地址:Fuyong North Road, Weishi County32

Contact: Mr. Shi


Agency: Zhongjian Shanhe Construction Engineering Management Co., LTD

Address: Jingsan North Road, Jinshui District, Zhengzhou City32Fortune Plaza2号楼18

Contact: Liu Shengli

电话:13213232603 037165350087


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